Monday, November 13, 2006

Aaj ke Neta??

Read this article today in TOI about Abu Salem running for UP Elections!!! And I was shocked !!!

But then I wonder they are allowed to run elections but we are the ones who are voting to hire them as our leaders .. So what is the problem then? hmm...the two giant words "illiteracy and corruption" crop up .
When will we be able to get rid of these issues?? Is there a way out? Is complaining and pondering all we can do about it?

These are the steps I think Indian government should take to avoid people like Abu Salem to become politicians:
1) No person with a criminal record should be allowed to vote. And definetly not a person who was earlier extradiated from the country at some point phew !!
2) Minimum education atleast till 10th class man.

Will the government ever be able to take such actions? Or are we doomed with such politicians ??
Then some small voice inside tells me there is hope and some day India will become a better country inspite of these politicians..Jai Hind!!


AK said...

boondh boondh sagar bantha hai; Did we contribute our drop (of contribution) for our beloved nation?

Unknown said...

I completely concur with your ideology that there should be an amendment in the Indian constitution to incorporate relevant eligibility criteria which would act as qualifiers for any individual who has the noble dream to govern the country. As the author suggested. Ensuring a clean criminal track record for political aspirants is absolutely necessary to avoid catastrophic administration failures.

Another interesting suggestion mentioned was applying minimum education qualifier and should be a literate to enter politics. This is based on the presumption that illiterate politicians make bad leaders. It would be foolish to turn a blind eye to Illiteracy which is the greatest social evil that haunts contemporary India. Even more juvenile would be not to take actions to eradicate this evil epidemic.There is a popular belief in the educated urban society that leaders cannot eradicate illiteracy -without being literate themselves and education is always instrumental for any leader to give his/her best potential to their beloved country

However, I am a little skeptical about the idea of setting up minimum education as a pre qualifier and there is a strong reason to back my apprehension. As India being the largest democracy in the world with a considerable illiterate population. Its economy historically and predominantly being agrarian in nature. Any claim of a new prosperous India for obvious reasons should always take into account the development of rural India and for this to happen a true representation of agrarian India is necessary to understand the challenges it is facing today as economic disparity, inflation and disproportionate growth of Indian cities at the cost of villages have become the order of the day.

In this light, our contention of introducing minimum education qualifier for political aspirants might be counter productive. It has the danger of diluting the Indian fundamental rights and democratic ideologies. There is also a danger of closing the window of opportunity for that humble farmer from Rajasthan, the bangle dweller from Delhi, the shikara rider from srinagar or the hardworking fisherman from kerala inspite of them possessing good leadership qualities and great dreams/vision for their country.

Nevertheless, there is no denying the fact that allowing illiterate politicians to decide the fate of a 1 billion odd country is indeed tough and might have serious consequences and ramifications. but if we want to call ourselves a true democracy, If we want to take pride in our fundamental rights and remedies, If we want to give every Indian citizen irrespective of his/her education capabilities an equal opportunity to govern, design and decide the possibilities of this great nation. We should offer that choice without any hesitation.